Back-to-School Lunch Service Schedule

The following schedule pertains only to cafeteria lunch service. Parents may choose to pack lunch for students for each of the Minimum Days. For each grade level, there is time set aside for a Minimum Day lunch break before the 12:30 PM early dismissal time.
Date Grades TK-1 Grades 2-5
8/14th Minimum Day, No Lunch Service Minimum Day, Sack Lunch from the Cafeteria
8/15th Minimum Day, No Lunch Service Minimum Day, Sack Lunch from the Cafeteria
8/16th Minimum Day, No Lunch Service Regular Day, Regular Lunch Service
8/19th Minimum Day, No Lunch Service Regular Day, Regular Lunch Service
8/20th Regular Day, Regular Lunch Service Regular Day, Regular Lunch Service
Please review the School Lunches section in the Student Handbook for more information. 
Please contact Carolle Thompson ([email protected]), Director of Food Services if you have any questions.